Vital Records of Belfast, Maine To the Year 1892, Volume 2, Marriages and Deaths (1919)
680 registres
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Cercar a Vital Records of Belfast, Maine To the Year 1892, Volume 2, Marriages and Deaths (1919)
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Vital Records of Belfast, Maine To the Year 1892, Volume 2, Marriages and Deaths (1919)
680 registres
Vital Records of Belfast Maine, To the Year 1892 (1919). <br><br>"... Issued in accordance with the provisions of chapter 203 of the Public laws of 1903."<br><br>Alphabetical<br><br> indexes to the manuscript records of the town, supplemented by information from church registers, cemetery inscriptions and other sources<br><br>Committee on publication: v. 1, H. S. Webster, Alfred Johnson.- v. 2, W. D. Patterson, Alfred Johnson<br><br>I. Births.- II. Marriages and deaths
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