Victorian PO Directory 1888 (Wise)
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Victorian PO Directory 1888 (Wise)
1.706 registres
Victorian PO Directory 1888 (Wise). 1888. In this directory you can expect to find people named with their addresses under:<br><br> Alphabetical directory (colony-wide)<br> Trade and<br><br> professional directory<br> Towns and districts directories<br><br>Other sections including names but usually not addresses:<br><br> Commerce management banking, insurance companies, exporters of English goods to Victoria<br> Government MPs, heads of departments<br> Clergy<br> University of Melbourne academic staff, teachers in private schools<br> Medical practitioners, hospitals, dentists, pharmacists<br> Courts judicial officers, barristers, solicitors, Justices of the Peace<br><br>Users should always refer to the display advertisements as they often provide names and addresses.<br><br>Directories are one of the most effective ways of tracing members of a family, especially tradesmen. Many small businesses needed to ensure the public was aware of their activity and one of the better ways to do this in an age before media dominated was via a directory. The value of directories as a research tool is enhanced when no census material is available.
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